Mobile site for tourism in the city of Parthenay

Applications mobile de Parthenay développée à Grenoble

This mobile site application allows you to visit the Parthenay community of municipalities using any smartphone (iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, etc.). Activities, restaurants, cottages, campsites, cultural sites, sports complexes, news, all the necessary information is accessible from


The application uses the Parthenay API to retrieve XML files for each category, the XML are then transformed into JSON by a proxy. At the first request the application records the results using HTML5's storage API and a very practical plugin developed by Paul Irish.

The results of the queries are displayed in multi-level lists, it was necessary to create a plugin in order not to display the header of jQuery mobile in some sub-lists.

google maps logoAll the venues are also accessible from a Google map, there again we retrieve from the cache when possible, the map readjusts its limits each time we add new POIs.

facebook logoThe facebook API is integrated into the application and allows you to bring a social side to the application by sharing a place, a news or an event.

jquery logoSome tools have saved us valuable time, such as jQueryMobile, which facilitates the creation of a mobile interface oriented "Single Page Application".

handlebars logoHandlebars.js, a template engine that automatically builds the HTML of each page according to the JSON you send it.

require.js logoRequire.js allows you to no longer worry about script chargging management.

coffeescript logoCoffeScript to reduce the code and make it more elegant.

bash terminal logoA shell script compiles the LESS files, gathers and minimizes the scripts, checks the syntax, then compresses them into gzip, copies the files to the server, etc. This allows the application to be compiled in production mode with a simple command.

iScroll.js to get the "native feel" on long lists.

energize.js to make the application more responsive by removing the 300 ms delay that allows a mobile browser to know whether it is a click or a double click.